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Aptos NCP (cmos package) and Film coating

NCP package structure summary

● NCP: (Narrow Cavity Package)

● SIP sensor package Package has SIP included:

up to 10 pcs passive components
CSP VCM control chip
Blue Glass or Special coating Glass

NCP sensor package
Main structure (13M)
Module has without DAM design. Can reduce assembly and parts cost.
Size: 8.5*8.5*4.6mm (without extra plastic DAM)

Module for NCP

WFP (CMOS) non-wire tech.

WFP sensor package
Main structure (13M)
Module structure in WFP) , It Can reduce Module height with SMT (BGA) process.

Comparison table of COB and WFP

NCP key process

2015.16 NCP Product Roadmap